Meaning: a movement to improved or more developed state, or forward position
Example 1:
Dr. Tyler recommends buying only those products that are standardized for hypericin, a red pigment in the herb associated with quality. Also, follow dosage directions carefully. # Watch out for: An increased sensitivity to sunlight, particularly if you have fair skin. It's true that no cases of hypersensitivity have been reported in people taking normal doses, but light-skinned animals have developed dermatitis and other problems in response to voraciously consuming the herb. Sunscreen's always a good idea. " I have a splitting headache " # It can't stop a headache already in progess, but feverfew, a daisylike cousin of the aster, may help reduce the number and severity of future attacks, especially migraines. That's what British researchers concluded after they reviewed the headache diaries of 59 regular migraine sufferers.They saw that people on feverfew for four months had 24% fewer headaches than they did when they weren't taking the herb (Lancet, July 23, 1988). (Feverfew gained its original fame in ancient times not just as a headache remedy but as a fever fighter as well-hence
My example: The boy has progressed in his studies.